









































河野大臣 – この1年半、若者が、最も危険な病気の無言の保菌者であると、常に言われ続けているのです。マスクして息を殺し、鼻と口からウイルスを出さないようにせよと、ひたすら言われています。













The essence of the COVID19 Pandemic

What is the essence of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

I wish I knew. If you know about it, tell me. I beg of you!

The honourable minister Taro Kono recently stated that there is absolutely no scientific evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines will cause infertility.

Is the minister categorically stating that scientific experiments were designed and carried out to ascertain that COVID-19 vaccines will not cause infertility?

If so, tell me who carried out this experiment and where the results were published. Please confirm this for me, honourable minister.

I beg of you!


50 years ago, thalidomide was thought to be safe, and given to pregnant women in Japan and elsewhere. When Japanese women gave birth to children with deformities, the government denied a relationship between the drug and the birth deformities. It took 5 years and 3 months for the Tokyo District Court to began taking testimony.

50 years ago, governments around the world failed to carry out due process and diligence, except in the USA. In the USA, a brave woman stood out and said that the clinical trials were insufficient to prove the drugs safety.
Perhaps, minister Kono has no remembrance of past failures of due diligence.

Minister Kono, can you equivocally say that clinical trials have been carried to show that COVID-19 vaccines do not cause infertility?

50 years ago, during the last summer Olympics in Tokyo, a new epidemic spread like wildfire throughout Japan. The disease was named SMON by Japanese scientists.

Virus hunters combed and searched for the virus that was creating and spreading the epidemic. They were sure that it must be a virus.

After much effort, they decided that they had found the culprit virus. Then they found another, and another, and another.

No, they were not mutants of the same virus. They had discovered 4 different viruses one after the other.

Honourable minister Kono, if you hunt a virus, you are sooner or later bound to find it. You may even find 4 different ones, or innumerable mutant viruses.

Because, the Human Genome Project estimates that there are more than a quadriilion quadrillion individual viruses on Earth. And
every second, there are more than a trillion trillion viral infections in the ocean. It is not too hard to find a virus anywhere, even on healthy people.

Anyway, was SMON stopped through the discovery of the viruses? Unfortunately, no. It did not stop till it was discovered that the symptoms associated with SMON was caused by the prescription drug clioquinol.

Honourable Kono, scientists makes mistakes. Unfortunately, some mistakes are intentional.

10 years ago, the famous Jikei Heart Study from Japan was published in ‘The Lancet’, but soon became a scandal because data was manipulated in trials on Novartis Pharma’s antihypertensive drug valsartan (Diovan). The drug company was implicated in the manipulation of the data along with some of the key scientists.

Honourable Taro Kono, Science is not a belief system. There is no rationale in ‘Believe in the Science’. The first and foremost duty of any scientist is to ‘Question the facts’, and if needed ‘Question the Science’.

Your advisors ‘COVNAV.JP’ may be competent in blog writing, but science is not a matter of writing opinions.

It is about collecting facts and interrogating them using the scientific method in order to find explanations and solutions.

Honourable Minister, nor is Science a matter of publishing papers. Japan’s pride, Nobel Laureate Prof. Honjo opines that 90% of research papers published even in top journals such as Nature and Science are incorrect.

John Ioannidis, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, goes even further and says why most published research findings are false.

Why do these top-level scientists say these outrageous things?

Because, after all, scientists are human too, and they are influenced both base and noble motives alike.

In the post-Darwin era, prominent scientists advocated a science-based way to improve the human kind. This led the way to the infamous Eugenics movement, which involved intellectuals such as Francis Galton, Alexander Graham Bell, and Margaret Sanger.

In the Aktion T4 program of pre-holocaust Germany, vulnerable children and senior citizens were subjected to cruel and inhumane medical experimentation.

Later, the Jewish people of Germany were accused of spreading disease and gathered into concentration camps. Inhumane medical experiments were extended to the Jewish people in these camps.

While such atrocities were carried out the scientists remained silently complicit, except for a tiny minority.

Honourable Minister, under your COVID vaccination program, hundreds of people have died. Much more have experienced severe adverse events.

Yet, your doctors and scientists say that they are yet to establish a relationship between the COVID vaccination and the adverse events.

They are unable to find a relationship between the COVID vaccination and the death of the young female nurse aged 26, from Yame city, Fukuoka, even though 4 months have passed since she died within 3 days of receiving a shot of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.

Yet, your doctors and scientists lose no time in declaring that people have died of COVID-19 using a test procedure that is guaranteed to produce false positives most of the time.

Honourable Minister Kono. You are a powerful person. You stopped the Aegis program without flinching an eye before the powerful military Industrial complex.

I have a favour to ask you. Please ask the scientists of your country to thoroughly validate the PCR test, because the test is solely responsible for plunging millions of your citizens into despair and are destroying multitudes of small and medium scale business.

Please ask your scientists to thoroughly validate, the PCR test which is perpetuating a disease epidemic even among the vaccinated.

Minister Kono – for a year and a half, our young people are told day and night that they are silent carriers of a most dangerous disease. They are told incessantly that they must wear masks to constrain their breath and try hard not to let the virus out of their noses and mouths.

Minister Kono, have our scientists evaluated this claim that masks do more good than harm to public health?

Minister Kono, when the Spanish flu was raging on, two experiments were carried out to prove that the disease was contagious.

Despite their best efforts, these two experiments were unable to directly transmit the disease from the sickest of patients to healthy people.

Minister Kono, you may well say that the cold virus is more contagious than the influenza virus.

Yet, for decades, the Cold Research Unit in Salisbury, UK was unable to transmit the cold from the sick to the healthy in a natural mode of transmission.

Yet, on what basis do you allow your scientific societies, medical associations, and government agencies to proclaim that asymptomatic, healthy people are carriers of disease.

Did your scientists carry out a controlled, scientific experiment that proves without reasonable doubt that asymptomatic, healthy people are carriers of respiratory illnesses?

Now that vaccine passports may be implemented, are you not complicit in discriminating healthy, asymptomatic people into virtual concentration camps, because they see no need to accept your offer of injecting unproven and unnecessary medical interventions into their arms?

Finally, I have a favour to ask you honourable and powerful Minister.

There is a rumour floating around that the SARS-CoV2 virus, the alleged pathogen that is causing COVID-19 has not been properly isolated.

A former virologist by the name Stefan Lanka, claims that if proper control experiments are performed, it may be proven than the supposed isolation of the SARS-CoV2 virus is a mere artefact of the isolation process.

I ask you powerful Minister, please validate or invalidate Dr. Stefan Lanka’s claim using scientific experiments carried out within Japan. If his claim turns out to be true, we can end this epidemic for once and all on the basis of science.
